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This type contains information about a digital gift card line item that was purchased as a gift and sent to the recipient by email.

Note: GiftDetails will not be returned for any order that is more than 90 days old.

Type that uses GiftDetails


Calls that use GiftDetails


This field contains the gift message from the buyer to the gift recipient. This field is only returned if the buyer of the gift included a message for the gift.

Note: The message will not be returned for any order that is more than 90 days old.
The email address of the gift recipient. The seller will send the digital gift card to this email address.

Note: The recipientEmail will not be returned for any order that is more than 90 days old.
The name of the buyer, which will appear on the email that is sent to the gift recipient.

Note: The senderName will not be returned for any order that is more than 90 days old.

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