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Published: November 22 2011, 4:24:00 PMUpdated: September 10 2022, 12:32:14 AM

How do I know if the OrderID is a single or multiple line item order in the GetSellerTransactions response?


Determining single line items vs multiple line items in GetSellerTransactions

Detailed Description

Before version 705 <ContainingOrder> was ONLY returned if the order line item was part of a Combined Payment order.  To determine if an order is a single line item or multiple line item, follow the steps below:  

1.  In your GetSellerTransactions call, make sure to include this field and set it to true, <IncludeContainingOrder>true</IncludeContainingOrder>.  This will ensure you get back the <ContainingOrder> in every call.

2.  In the response you will get back these 4 fields:
     1.  <ItemID></ItemID>
     2.  <TransactionID></TransactionID>
     3.  <OrderLineItemID></OrderLineItemID>
     4.  <OrderID></OrderID>
*Note - OrderLineItemID = ItemID-TransactionID.  For a single line item order, the OrderID value is identical to the OrderLineItemID value that is generated upon creation of the order line item. For a Combined Payment order, the OrderID value is created by eBay when the buyer or seller (sharing multiple, common order line items) combines multiple order line items into a Combined Payment order through the eBay site.

3.  So you will need to compare OrderID with OrderLineItemID, and if they are NOT equal then it's a combined payment order (true order) and if they are equal it is a single line item order (fake order).

Additional Resources




GetSellerTransactions(Input IncludeContainingOrder):

  .ContainingOrder ):


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