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Published: February 19 2007, 1:49:00 PMUpdated: August 03 2022, 5:14:05 AM


How to add a Motors Local Market Listing? 



 eBay Motors Local Market Listing is a new subscription-based service that enables auto dealers to easily upload and list their entire used-car lot for one low price.

   To add local market listings,  you need to list the item with the following properties:

  • Specify Local listing distance with  Item.LocalListingDistance property.
  • Specify Location of the vehicle with the Item.PostalCode property.
  • Specify one picture in the PictureDetails container.
  • Item.ListingType property must be set to either "FixedPrice" or "LeadGeneration" (for Best Offer Only listings).


Detailed Description

Here is the example of AddItem request for Motors Local Market listing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
    <eBayAuthToken>TOKEN </eBayAuthToken>
    <Description>Post-1981 Motors listing</Description>
    <Location>San Jose, CA</Location>




    <StartPrice currencyID="USD">2000.00</StartPrice>
    <Title>eBay Motors Local Listing title value</Title>


Additional Resources

Documentation: Local Market Listing

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