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Published: March 28 2007, 9:31:00 AMUpdated: August 22 2022, 11:28:13 PM

I am getting the start price seems to be too large to be legitimate when make AddItem call. Where can I find the maximum price information ?


Maximum price requirement information is not available in eBay document. However; if you are sending a price that is too high, AddItem family calls return error 74 for StartPrice and error 21916783 for BuyItNowPrice with the actual allowed maximum price value in <ErrorParameters><Value>$###</Value></ErrorParameters> tag as below. You can display that value to your seller.

 Invalid AddItem request example:  
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
      <Title>Harry Potter and the111 Philosopher's Stone</Title>
        This is the 1111 first book in the Harry Potter series. In excellent condition!
            <Value>Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone</Value> 
  Here is the API response payload that generated from the above AddItem request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ShortMessage>Error in start price.</ShortMessage>
    <LongMessage>The start price seems to be too large to be legitimate.</LongMessage>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="0">
    <ShortMessage>Invalid Buy It Now price.</ShortMessage>
    <LongMessage>Buy It Now price should be at least 30% more than your starting price.</LongMessage>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="0">

The  example above was based on the version specified below:

API Schema Version967


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